Friday, December 17, 2010

Cooking Gadgets

While cleaning the kitchen about three days ago, I realized then that we badly needed to throw some of our cookware away because some parts have crack on it or they are badly stained. It is very hideous and I can't believe that I did not even notice how ugly they were before. Anyway, my husband remembered that her mother left him a bunch of kitchen items that are still sitting at the storage room of his step father's garage for the past five years already.  He never take time to get those item for personal usage because it reminded him so much of how passionate his mother when it comes to cooking different dishes for the family.

I told my better half earlier this evening to get those items back because I know that his mother would be so happy if we will use all the kitchen gadgets she had left for him instead of just letting it sit on the garage and get rusted. I want my husband to always cherish all the memories he and his mom shared and for us to make brand new memories today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Making memories is so very important!

God bless you and have a great weekend :-)


Fast Forward and December is almost Here!

It feels so good to be back on my blog. I haven't really had the time to update my blogs since January because I have been quite busy. T...