"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly". Join me as I walk through this wonderful journey of my so called life.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Installing Your Carpet
My step father in law has wooden floors and he is looking into Carpet Installation. I was happy to hear the great news because I know that his home will look much better and more modern looking. In my opinion having carpeted floor will make a house more comfortable and inviting especially for the people that live in the house and the future guests that will come to visit. My husband told me that when he was younger his old house had carpeted floors and he told me that it was a wonderful house especially since he could play on the carpeted floors. I think that it is about time that my step-father has decided to make more renovations to his house and having carpet installed on his floors is a great start. One question still remains though, what color is he going to choose for his carpet? I suggested blue would be a great color, although I am not sure what color he will end up choosing.
Be Your Own Boss
Are you one of the many people who are tired with your job and desperately want to have your own business? Well, there is good news; you can start working right away by dealing with smc corp. SMC stands for specialty merchandise corporation and the way it works is that you will buy specialty merchandise at wholesale prices and then you can resell these items and earn more money in return. The best thing about SMC corp is that they have been in the business for over 60 years and they will help you from the beginning to ensure that you can be quite successful. If you are still somewhat skeptical about how smc corp ranks click on the link that says smc review, and you will be able to see how well their company ranks in the business. So why not check out what smc has to offer, rest assured you will not be disappointed at all.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Grow Indoor Plants
I was planning to get some indoor plants since it's been awhile that I really wanted to have it at my apartment. Here's what I found out while searching for the best plants indoor and below is the lists of the indoor plants you can have inside your home.
- Mother-in-law's Tongue
- Lucky Bamboo
- Cast Iron Plant
- Zebra Plant
- African Violet
- Philodendron
- Jade Plant
- Peace Lily
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Plumbing Needs
Have you ever had problems with your plumbing? Well, I am sure that most of us have, and when you do it is very important to make sure that professional plumbers take care of whatever plumbing issue needs attention. One of the absolute best plumbing companies out there is called Magic Plumbing and they have been in the plumbing business for 20 years. There website can be found at Magic Plumbing dot com where you can find all the information you need and best of all they offer free estimates. If you need major work such as sewer replacement, they can help you with that, and they can also fix your toilet (unclog toilet). They can even help you with water heater replacement as well as other great services that are all professionally done and guaranteed. So if you have an issue with your toilet why not go with the professionals, try Magic Plumbing dot com, you will be very satisfied with the results.

Battle: Los Angeles Movie Reviews
Last week we had the opportunity to watch the movie Battle: Los Angeles with my sister in law and her entire family. It was a very fantastic movie with lots of actions. At first, I wasn't sure if it would be a good movie but I was pleasantly surprised. My husband said that it reminds him of Black Hawk Down and Independence Day movies. The weapons, uniforms and the tactics that the soldiers in the movie used were very realistic and reminiscent of the movie Black Hawk Down. The fact that the soldiers were fighting aliens reminded me and my husband the film Independence Day. Overall, the movie was amazing and would totally recommend to anyone out there who likes action movies.
Apple Coupon Store Codes
Last Christmas I decided to purchase a brand new Apple iPod for my spouse and I was glad that he liked it very much. I plan to buy more Apple products this year although I am not sure which one I would like to buy the most. One of the drawbacks about purchasing Apple products, especially from the Apple store is that many of the products are expensive and finding discounts can be quite difficult. I decided that I was going to do some research to find a way to get Apple products at a cheaper price and that is when I ran across a website called Best Online Coupons dot com that offers Apple Store coupons to prospective customers. All you have to do is use the Apple Store coupon codes provided from the website when you are purchasing an Apple product, whatever product it may be, and then you will be on your way to saving lots of money on your purchases. At first, I didn’t quite believe that you could use an Apple coupon code and save money, but after reading all of the feedback found on the website, I know that you can in fact save quite a bit of money. So if you are like me and want to save money while getting great Apple products then check out what Best Online Coupons dot com has to offer, you won’t be disappointed.
Monday, March 28, 2011
C'mon Xoom, Give Me a Break
I am glad that my family received the money transfer that I did two days ago but I feel very aggravated right now after reading the email letter from Xoom informing me that they charged me twice with my transactions because they are having technical difficulties. Though they promised to refund the money but I don't know if how long I have to wait before the money show up on my bank account. I have bills to pay and it just pissed me off that it happen right now.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wedding Cakes and Ideas
While chit chatting with one of my closest friend from church today, who also happen to be my colleague from my place of work, I found out today that her boyfriend just proposed to her last night and she accepted the proposal. I am really happy for her because I know that she has been waiting for this special moment to happen. She is now gathering different wedding food ideas that she can picked out but she has no clue if where to start or where to look.
I told my friend that I found this amazing website called Fashionable Bride dot com which provides plenty of great concepts or ideas for anyone out there who are looking for wedding food ideas or even wedding cake designs that you can use for that special occasion. Before my friend and I left church she told me that she will check out the website as soon as possible. What are you waiting ladies? Check this out today!
Missionary Work
I was surprised to receive an email from my sister who is serving her full time mission in the Philippine Baguio Mission. The pictures below are taken during their preparation day with her companions and fellow missionaries. We are very happy for her decision to serve a full time mission as well as for my brother who is serving his full time mission in the Philippine Angeles Mission right now.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Flammable Lockers and More
My mother has been planning to purchase a Flammable Locker for quite awhile now. My family already had a fire accident last year that almost burn the entire house down in the Philippines and that is why my mother wants to take drastic measure to avoid yet another accident to happen. Well, I was lucky enough to have stumbled upon this website called Flammable Lockers dot com which specializes in different Flammable Lockers such as Flammable Cabinets, Flammable Cabinet Storage, Flammable Barrel Storage, Flammable Can Storage, Flammable Pesticide Storage, Flammable Corrosives Storage, Flammable Counter-top Cabinets, Flammable Wall Mount Cabinet, Flammable Floor Cabinets and much more.
What I love about this website is that they have the finest and the most affordable product that they offer for all new and repeat clientele since 2004. Plus, they are making your online shopping experience less complicated by dividing their products into different categories such as Flammable Storage by Material, Flammable Storage by Location, Flammable Storage by Door and more.
I am definitely, deciding if when I am able to order my first flammable locker for my mother through the website I mention above. Look no further, check this out folks!
Baby Shower Gift
About a week ago, one of my good friends from Texas invited me for her baby shower. It was really awesome because one of our common friends made the personalize baby shower gift. The expectant mother is happy to announce that they are expecting a baby girl this fall. Here are some awesome pictures of that baby shower gift below!
back view
front view
back view
front view
Friday, March 25, 2011
Discount Prescription Eyeglasses
I have been wearing prescription eyeglasses for many years now but one of the things that I dread is purchasing a new pair mostly because it can be quite expensive, the doctor’s visit is usually the cheapest part but purchasing the lens and the frames is the worst part since the costs are incredible. I believe the last time I paid for glasses I must have paid about $200 for them, and that was just the frames and the lenses. Just recently I had seen a news report talking about how a new website called Zenni Optical dot com where you can get glasses for as low as $6.95 plus $4.95 shipping. When I heard about this, I decided to check out their website and now I plan on buying at least 2 pairs. I really liked seeing the news report because they had experts see if the glasses were high quality and if the lenses matched the prescriptions, and the end result showed that the glasses were everything they advertised to be, high quality at an incredible value. So if you are like me and are looking for high quality glasses at a cheap price, check out their website today and start saving money on your glasses.
Tax Refund 2011
Finally today, my husband and I received our tax refund. Although, both of us are very happy we had hoped we had gotten a little bit more like we did last year but we did not because we made more money last year than we did the previous year. My husband also graduated from College last year, and because of that we were not eligible for one of the new tax credits that would have made our refund much higher. Despite this, we are still very happy that we got something and we are already making plans to go on a vacation.
**The Image is courtesy of Google**
Furniture for Your Dining Room
When we visited my father in law's house two days ago, it was very chaotic because they are doing some renovations around their house. In fact, my father in law asks me if I want the old Dining Room Furniture since they are going to get rid of it after the renovation is over. I was going to say yes but my husband told me that our furniture at our dining room at our apartment is still in great condition but maybe we can have it and just put it in our storage room for future usage.
During our visit at my father in law's house, my husband and I help them by painting one of the rooms at their house. The color was gorgeous and it turned real good, I was even surprised that we did a great job for that matter. Anyways, my father in law already told me that they have a surprised gift for me for my birthday next week and they will be visiting me at my place of work. I am looking forward to that indeed!
During our visit at my father in law's house, my husband and I help them by painting one of the rooms at their house. The color was gorgeous and it turned real good, I was even surprised that we did a great job for that matter. Anyways, my father in law already told me that they have a surprised gift for me for my birthday next week and they will be visiting me at my place of work. I am looking forward to that indeed!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Rango Movie Review
Last week I had mention that my husband took me on a date to see Rango and eat dinner. I would like to talk on more detail about the movie Rango. Overall, Rango was a very good movie and was very funny. The movie was of course about a lizard voiced by Johnny Depp who gets lost in the desert and tries to fit into a new society. Fortunately, he became the sheriff of a small town but by taking this position he must protect the town's residence from enemies including a large hawk and a rattle snake. Throughout the movie it is filled with lots of very funny jokes, excitement and adventure. Overall, I would recommend this movie to anyone out there!
Types of Concrete
Are you one of the many people who are interested in making repairs and improvements to your home or business? Well, as many of us know, concrete is a necessity to most building designs, however, many people do not like the dull gray color of typical concrete. Well, there is good news, there is also polished concrete as well as stained concrete, which is not only incredibly strong and durable, but it is also incredibly stylish as well. One of the best websites that offers polished concrete and stained concrete is Concrete Art FX dot com which provides some of the most beautiful concrete designs that you can find. One of the other options that customers have is concrete polishing of the concrete floors that you may already have. One of the other options to consider is that polished and stained concrete is not only available for your indoor home or business, but also for your patio outside, and one of the ideas that I liked the most was having your poolside made of beautiful polished concrete. I saw the picture of the pool, and I told myself, when I get my own home, I would like to have a polished concrete floor next to my pool. So what are you waiting for? Why not check out Concrete Art FX dot com and see all of the possibilities that are available to you.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Affordable Blinds
While visiting some of my husband's relatives this past weekend I was astonished of how beautiful their house was. Every detail and style of their house was just gorgeous and amazing. The style was modern and chic and I find it very appealing and I wish to have our future house to be as gorgeous as it can ever be. One thing I've learned though is that they got their amazing furniture's at a reasonable price including this beautiful and wonderful Discount Blinds in their four bedrooms.
I really appreciate the atmosphere at my husband's relative house because I can totally feel the love for each member in that family and I am proud that I am part of them. Well, they are planning for a reunion this coming Christmas and I hope that it will push-through because I know that it will be totally amazing. I am totally looking forward to that because I want to know each relative on my husband's side of the family.
I really appreciate the atmosphere at my husband's relative house because I can totally feel the love for each member in that family and I am proud that I am part of them. Well, they are planning for a reunion this coming Christmas and I hope that it will push-through because I know that it will be totally amazing. I am totally looking forward to that because I want to know each relative on my husband's side of the family.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Our amazing day!
Today was an awesome day because first of all, I was able to sleep for most of the day because my husband woke up early and went to work. Despite the fact that they kept my husband longer at work, he told me to be ready by the time he arrived, and when he arrived we ended up driving all over town. My husband surprised me first by taking me to see the movie called Rango, which I will talk about later in more detail. Afterwards we went to the mall and he told me to pick out something that I would like to have as my gift. I ended up picking out an expensive perfume at Victoria's Secret that was awesome. Afterwards my husband took me out to eat at a burger place called Five Guys, and we both ate quite a bit of food. Lastly, we ended up seeing the movie, the Green Hornet at the discount theaters, and then we finally went home. I really felt like a princess, because my husband showered me with surprises today, I really can not believe how much fun I had today.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Violin Session
My husband has been telling me for years that he has wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument again, since he used to when he was much younger, but right now he is always too busy to find time to play an instrument. Just recently, I decided to do a search into programs that teach people how to play musical instruments from the privacy of their own homes. I was able to find a great program at Learn Violin X dot com where you can learn how to play the violin. I told my husband, and he said that he would like to Learn Violin, because he can actually think of several popular songs that use the violin, and he told me that this program sounds great and he would like to try it out. So if you have always wanted to play a musical instrument, and in particular, the violin, why not check out Learn Violin X dot com today, what have you got to lose?
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Fast Forward and December is almost Here!
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I'm happy that I am able to chat with my two younger siblings while making some articles that I needed to submit before the end of this ...
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