"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly". Join me as I walk through this wonderful journey of my so called life.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
FREE Beauty Products
My husband and I both work today and I am so happy that I got paid today from my place of work since our apartment rent is due on the first day of each month. My dear hubby and I agreed that we will do half on every bill which really works for us since we got married almost five years ago. Anyways, after I went to the bank today, I just went home and took a quick cold shower. Then, we went to the mall because my husband needs another working pant. By the way, I finally claimed my free birthday gift from Sephora plus I got another free deluxe sample of the new bare minerals skin moisturizer also from Sephora store. When it comes to receiving free gifts or samples I am always on the lookout for those types of promos. Likewise, I use the coupon that I receive from the snail mail to purchase food items from Chick-fil-A and I am overjoyed to save a few bucks. I am looking forward to save extra money by using coupons wherever I go. How about you folks? Do you use coupons when you buy anything?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Become a Radiologist Today
The daughter of one of my friends here in Texas recently graduated from high school and is now looking forward to start her college years this coming fall of 2011. She hasn’t decided where to go or what to study so up to now she is taking her time to look around and ask for information about what will be the best course to take that will give her a good start for a secure career in the future. While doing my online business today, I was able to visit a website which discusses a tremendous amount of information about radiology technician salary and quite frankly I was totally impressed with what I read. I am tempted to enroll in the future to become a radiologist because radiologist salary is quite a good catch for anyone out there who wants to have an awesome career and plus you will have a lot of potential in the future to make so much money with your chosen career. Try this out today!
Take it Easy Right?
I am a little disappointed today but I truly believed that things happen for a reason. Sometimes you cannot control the outcome of your action but it doesn't mean that you cannot change the course of action for the future. My mother used to tell me that you win some; you lose some. I know I am a fighter and I earned what I have today because I work hard to achieve my goals in life. I promised myself that I am going to give the best in everything that I do. My husband and I are hoping for the best!
Covers for Your Pools
Summer season just barely started around the country and I am more than happy to welcome it with a big splash. I have been swimming a lot lately due to the fact that we have been having a triple digit on our weather temperature lately. By the way, yesterday when my husband and I was about to check the pool if it is open or not I’ve heard that they were talking about upgrading their pool covers to a better one. Since I am not too familiar with the different types of pool covers I decided to make my own little research and found out that there are in fact various kind of pool covers such as safety pool covers, winter pool covers and solar pool covers and reels. I was impressed because I didn’t grow up having our own personal pool in back home. I am totally stoked out that I found a website that accommodates for anyone out there who owns their pool at home. Search no more, try this out today by visiting the given link above!
Monday, June 27, 2011
My New Pair of Gladiator Sandals
My husband surprised me with a pair of new gladiator sandals today. I was speechless because it seems that he knows what I have in mind when we went window shopping last week. I was just confiding with him that it would be nice to have a pair of this new gladiator sandal I really wanted for awhile. Thank God for giving me a lovable and generous hubby! I love you honey a lot!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Promoting Your Music
If you are a musician who is residing in the beautiful place like England then this is your chance to shine. For those of you who are not familiar with Quite Great Events then let me tell you a brief description about this great company. The company offers a wide variety of services such as caterings, family events, and promotions services for any musicians that needs a great music pr to boosts their career. Check this out today!
Grilling Some BBQ Chicken On a Friday
Since Friday was only my day off, my honey and I decided to grill some barbecue chicken "Filipino style". It is pretty awesome and I brought some to my colleagues at work and they all loved it. One colleague complimented me by saying that "I am a good cook and that my husband is lucky to have me as his wife". I feel very happy that they all love it and we even have some left over just perfect to gave it to my husband's Step Dad. I will definitely be making this often especially that one of my coworker already told me that she wants to order some chicken barbecue from me for her son's birthday.
Gadgets for the Geeks
My husband and I always love new gadgets that are out there because there are many great unique products out there that can make life easier, are cool to have, or as a great gift idea for people who are difficult to please. Just recently I found a great Geeky Gadget Website that allows people to see many new products that have recently been released. At Geek Alerts dot com they have articles showing many new geeky products that are available, and best of all, they even have many coupons and promotional codes for other items as well. Right now, one of the few coupons I have seen at Geek Alerts that really caught my eye was Expedia coupons and Orbitz promotion codes as well, since my husband and I love to travel abroad every chance we get. If you happen to be interested in other coupons besides travel agencies, they have many more coupons for a variety of products and services. If you are only interested in the Geeky Gadgets, they have you covered; you will be amazed at all of the products they have, like an instant analog camera, a hard to find wall clock, and a rare sleeping bag. So why not check out what Geek alerts has to offer, you will be glad you did.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
XMen First Class Movie Review
Today my husband and I went to see the movie, XMen: First Class, and at first I didn't think that it would be very good, but my husband and I were surprised at how good it really was. The story is a prequel to the other XMen movies and it follows the lives of Charles Xavier/Professor X and Erik Lensherr/Magneto, along with other characters such as Mystique, Beast, and a few others as well. The movie was loaded with action scenes as well as Drama and was quite suspenseful throughout. I highly recommend this movie to everyone, it was really good.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Purchase Your Used Vehicle Today
If you are looking for a great priced high-quality vehicle in the Tampa area of Florida, I know of a great website that offers awesome deals on used cars Tampa and used trucks in Tampa at great prices. At http://www.tampa-used-cars.com/, you will see all of the many deals that they are currently offering, and best of all, you can even look for cars that they do not currently carry by using their Car Chaser feature on their website. Maybe you are worried about pricing? Not to worry, at the Park Auto Mall you can try out their 30 second credit approval to see if you qualify. If you are unsure of what car you wish to purchase, just kindly check out their used car blog which will help you find out exactly what kind of car you are looking for. So why not check out what Park Auto Mall has to offer.
Belated Happy Father's Day
I hope I am not too late to greet my beloved father Papa Edberto, my Dad-in-law Sir Tony Sr and my Step Dad-in-law Enrique. I know that words cannot express how much I appreciate all the wonderful things you did for us but I would like to tell the world that all three of you are the best fathers a child could ever wish to have. I am lucky I have a total of three who loved me dearly. Thank you so much! To my dear Papa I miss you a lot and hope to see you next year again. Get well soon. I love you Pa!
Try Calling Your Family Today for Free
If you are like me and need to make international calls frequently, it can be quite expensive, but fortunately I found a new website that will allow you to make local and international calls for free. At Humnut.com you can make a free call to over 40 destinations by using a web phone. I was really surprised at how many countries you can make a freecall to by using Humnut, you can call to nearly every corner of the globe including Asia, Europe, Australia, and South America, and best of all, they are free calls. Best of all you can even make a free mobile call as well so it does not need to be a landline phone that you are calling to. If you would like to learn more about these free calls and services that Humnut has to offer, you can always visit their website and even take a look at the video showing all of the many services that they offer. So why not check out Humnut today, and if you are like me, you will be glad you did.

California Rolls ( Sushi Rolls)
I decided to try and make my first California Rolls last night. I was really surprised because it turns out really great and hubby decided to purchase a Wasabi sauce or Japanese Horseradish. Even my husband was surprised that I know the recipe because he thought that I can only make Filipino dish. I told him that I got the recipe online. Here are some of the pictures taken below. If you are interested to try this recipe please click here.
Hyundai Vehicles in Florida
If you happen to live in or around West Palm Beach Florida and are looking for a great Hyundai vehicle, I know of the perfect place to find that great new or used vehicle. At West Palm Beach Florida Hyundai you can find a huge selection of new, pre-owned, and/or certified vehicles for an absolutely wonderful price. You can even check out some of the services that they offer such as oil changes, by visiting their service center. If you are looking for a used car, they have great deals on used cars as well, and if you are not sure what you are looking for, visit their website and then see what is written in their blog. The West Palm Beach Hyundai blog has all of the information you are looking for when it comes to questions about cars that you may be interested in. The best part about the blog is that you can see what others have liked or disliked about vehicles. So whether you live in Delray, Wellington, Coconut Creek, Boynton Beach or other areas, you can rest assured that at http://www.wpbhyundai.com has what you are looking for, so why not check out what they offer?
Crystal Clear Water
It was so hot yesterday that my husband and I decided to go for a swim. The pool water is so wonderful because it was nice and cool. Plus, they finally fixed our air conditioner yesterday and thank God we survived using our stand fan alone with this type of weather. Today, I woke up early because I was schedule to work. We weren't busy today which is good because I woke up with a bad headache. I will work again tomorrow night which is pretty good because I am off Wednesday.
What about you guys? How's the Father's Day celebration yesterday?
What about you guys? How's the Father's Day celebration yesterday?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Guard Your Family Today
The United States is a country that is great, but as many people may know, there are always dangers from child predators, even in safe communities. In order to Protect Your Family From Offenders, it is important to find out where some of these sex offenders live in order to keep your family safe from harm. So you are probably thinking, how can I protect my family? Well, did you know that you can Protect Your Family by becoming a member of a website called Defend Your Family that lets you find out which people in your area are sex offender? Defend your family is a great website because you can get a free sample of their services before you decide to become a member. I found it incredible and scary at the same time that there were 61 of these offenders in my neighborhood. So if you want to protect your family, check out what Defend Your Family dot org has to offer.

Vehicle Problem
While hubby was driving our car on our way home from my place of work, our car just made a weird noise and stop completely. We have no choice but to contact his Dad so he can give us a ride home. Before going home, my father in law and my husband decided to stop by at the car shop where they usually do maintenance on our car and told them what happen. The owner of the shop told my husband and my father in law that he will tow the car tomorrow so they can take a look at it and see if the problem can be fixed. I am hoping that it won't be too much because it was not too long ago that I have posted an article about having problem with our car. We already spent a lot of money fixing that old car and I can't wait to shop for cars this fall.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Medicare in Florida
For most people, the most important thing to have in your life is to be in good health. There are many people who qualify for Medicare when they reach retirement age and it is important to learn as much about Medicare as possible. If you are one of the many people who are approaching retirement age or know someone who is, then it is important that you learn about Medicare. Right now there are many places to go to in order to find out about florida medicare, however, one of the best places to find out about Medicare in Florida is at My Florida Medicare dot net. My Florida Medicare has all of the information that you need to know about Medicare and best of all it is quite easy to read and understand. So why not check out how My Florida Medicare can help you, you will be quite pleased with what you find.
Adobong Pusit
When I am in the mood for cooking I always prepare different dish for my husband and I to try. I like to cook different cuisines but for the most I always try to promote Filipino dish to my immediate family here in Texas as well as to my friends from my place of work. Here is another Filipino dish that I made last week. It is called Adobong Pusit (Squid in Soy Sauce/Vinegar) and some spices. Here is the picture below and for a complete recipe please click here.
Games Online
I love playing online games, however, I have never tried playing poker online but I plan to try it because many of my friends have been making lots of money by playing online Poker. With many poker sites it can be difficult to choose where the Best US Poker Sites are. Just recently I came across a website that helps you find different places to play poker. At Poker Sites USA you can find some of the best Online Casinos for USA Players. Although I am kind of new to playing poker I have seen my friends play it and I really want to learn how they do it, because it looks like a lot of fun, and of course winning money is great as well. So if you are interested in playing poker like I am, check out some of these great websites, it is definitely worth a look. Please click any of the links above for easy access.
Blessings Are Pouring!
I can't believe that I sleep like at 6 in the morning today and woke up at 11 in the morning again to check if my internet connection is alright. I wrote about twenty articles last night most of it are for my client who had been providing me with a lot of tasks. I have been ghost writing with her for the last four months and I am a happy camper for the added blessings.
On the other hand, I woke up extra early today though I off from my place of work because I still need to deliver some egg rolls that one of my colleagues ordered from me. I am thankful for the bountiful blessings everyday that I received and I give all my credits to the Lord. I would like to greet everyone a wonderful Wednesday morning!
On the other hand, I woke up extra early today though I off from my place of work because I still need to deliver some egg rolls that one of my colleagues ordered from me. I am thankful for the bountiful blessings everyday that I received and I give all my credits to the Lord. I would like to greet everyone a wonderful Wednesday morning!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Hone Your Skills with Skill Games
Often times after a hard day of work, my husband and I really enjoy relaxing and also we like to play online games since they are fun and relaxing. Just recently I found a place where you can play skill games which are not only fun, they are free. At Skill Games HQ dot com you can play many different online games including Action games, Adventure games, board games, strategy games, casino games, and much more. Skill games even has games where you can win money, gift cards, prizes, and trophies and you can even interact with other gamers within the gaming community when you register with skillgames.com. Right now, my husband’s favorite game is a shooting game called Jungle Rampage, and after watching him play it, I want to try it for myself since it looks like a lot of fun, and it is also easy to play. So if you are into games, why not check out what Skill Games HQ dot com has to offer.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sales 2011
I am excited after I found out that Victoria's Secret store will start their semi-annual sales tomorrow online and in store. I have been a huge fan of their great products as well as my sisters and we really enjoy it so much. Last year, when I went to visit my family in the Philippines I brought a lot of items which I accumulated over the months while shopping at Victoria's Secret store. My younger sisters really love it including my mother as well. I usually splurge during their semi-annual sale because I can get a lot of items for a cheaper price which is really great.
Anyways, I am thankful that I receive a good payment from working online as a paid blogger. Since I will be working tomorrow night, I will probably be going to the mall on Wednesday since its payday at my place of work.
Anyways, I am thankful that I receive a good payment from working online as a paid blogger. Since I will be working tomorrow night, I will probably be going to the mall on Wednesday since its payday at my place of work.
Types of Loans
Are you one of the many people that need to finance your home loan because you are paying too much interest? Well you are not alone, especially during these difficult economic times. Right now, one of the best places to go to in order to refinance your home is at FHA Streamline which can be found at Streamline Refinance dot net. At Streamline Finance you can even receive a free quote by simply entering your estimated balance on your property and entering the current interest rate that you are paying, and you will instantly be able to see the results. If you happen to be a veteran, refinancing your home is a great option as well, and because of your Veteran status you will be afforded very low loan rates from MilitaryVALoan.com. So whether you are a veteran or not, you can rest assured that many options are available to you, so why not see what these two places have to offer you, you will be glad you did.
Pancit Bam-I
Last week I have the chance to create another delicious dish which I had learned way back when I was still in the Philippines. The name of this delicious dish is Bam-I which is a mixture of vermicelli noodles and flour stick noodles. If you guys are interested to learn the complete ingredients then please click here.
AC Maintenance
Are you one of the many people who are in need of an air conditioner or need your current air conditioner cleaned? Well you are not alone, especially during the summer months, having an air conditioner is a must to avoid the heat. I had been looking for boca raton air conditioner cleaners and boca raton ac sales and I was fortunate to find a great company that offers both of these wonderful services. Aspen Air conditioning Inc in South Florida offers a wide variety of air conditioners and services for both residences and businesses alike, and best of all Aspen Air Conditioning Inc offers 24 hour service so you can rest assured that whatever the issue is, you can have it fixed right away. As an added bonus if you make an online inquiry you can get a free estimate and also save 10%. So why not see what Aspen Air Conditioning Inc has to offer, you will be glad you did.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Lower Your Cholesterol Today By...
** image from Google**
I was so amazed after reading an article from the Planet Green Discovery about ten specific food that help reduce or lower your cholesterol level. Here's the list of food that contain high fiber, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lecithin, Rutin and Niacin.
I was so amazed after reading an article from the Planet Green Discovery about ten specific food that help reduce or lower your cholesterol level. Here's the list of food that contain high fiber, Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Lecithin, Rutin and Niacin.
- Seeds and Nuts- almonds, flax seeds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seed, walnuts and more.
- Fish- such as salmon, sardines, deep/cold water fish and mackerel.
- Legumes- tofu, lentils, mung beans, soybeans and more.
- Vegetables- horseradish, radish, hot peppers, onion, garlic, cucumber, sea vegetables and more.
- Herbs- such as burdock root, dandelion root, cayenne pepper, ginger and much more.
- Fruits- tomato, banana, citrus, rose hip and persimmon.
- Whole grains- rye, buckwheat, wheat, quinoa rice and more.
- Bee pollen and honey (raw)
- Oils- make sure to go for good fats such as Omega 9, hazel, almond and food that contains natural good fat oil.
- Last but not certainly the least- make sure to eat various whole food which give you the complete nutrients that your body needs.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Chrysler Limited Sedan 2011
Are you one of the many people who are looking for a new car at a great price today? Well if you live in the Chicago area, one of the best places you can visit before you find that perfect vehicle of yours can be found at http://www.riveroakscjd.com/. River Oaks Chrysler Jeep Dodge is the best place to get a new Chrysler, Jeep, or Dodge at a reasonable price. Right now I have to say that the vehicle that really caught my was the 2011 Chrysler 200 Limited Sedan which just looks amazing and best of all, it is great on gas which really works for me. If you do not know exactly what car is right for you, why not check out their blog so that you can see what others have written about many of these vehicles. So why not check out what these great sites have to offer, you will be glad you did.
Someone Called Me a Jerk
I can't believe that one of my ex-acquaintances from my place of work called me a jerk for not replying to her text message right away yesterday. I was really shock and I can't believe that she called me that because I never thought she would say hurtful things towards me. I don't really check my cell phone unless I am waiting for important messages or call. I was preparing for dinner when she sent that message to me and of course I didn't reply right away since I was really busy. After reading the message from her, I immediately send her a text message and asking her why she said that but I never received an answer. I tried calling her but no answer. Honestly, I was pissed off because I hate when people are like that. An hour passed and I received another message from her telling me that she was just upset because I didn't invite for dinner. It was really weird but I just told her that she made me upset for what she called me. I ask her politely not to call me names again or else I will never forgive her ever. I just hope that this won't happen again.
Online Portfolio
Are you one of the many people who are in need of managing your finances more carefully? Well you are not alone, especially in the current economic situation, ensuring your finances are taken care of is a must to ensure that you are successful. Well one of the best ways to maintain your money is by using an Online Portfolio Manager and currently one of the best places to get Portfolio rebalancing software is at Market Riders dot com. The best thing about Market Riders is that you will be provided with Do It Yourself portfolio management and receive unbiased advice so that you know you will be getting what you pay for. One of the things that I really like about Market Riders is that you can subscribe to their weekly newsletter absolutely free. So why not check out what Market Riders has to offer you today, you will be glad you did.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Getting Rid of that Nasty Pimple
I was so happy to have read this great article from Planet Green Discovery website which talks about how to get rid of those nasty looking pimples on your face. You will very common household items below that can be use for the treatments of your pimples.
- Ice- you can place or rub some ice over an area on your face to reduce or decrease inflammation.
- Baking soda- mix a teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of water to create a baking soda paste. You can either apply the baking soda paste overnight or leave them for a minute on your face and rinse it with lukewarm water.
- Toothpaste- apply a non-gel type toothpaste on the affected area of your face. Leave it overnight because it will help reduce the inflammation of the area plus it will also pulls out pus from the pimple area.
- Visine- any products that reduces redness in your eyes also works with pimples as well.
- Vinegar (white) - the acid from the vinegar actually gets rid of the pus out of your pimples right away. Put a little amount of vinegar into a cotton swab and apply it in the affected area.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Pumps for Water Well
Are you one of the many people who are looking for Water well pumps? Well you are not alone; there are many people who are in need of high quality Well pumps. Did you know that you can purchase these well pumps through the internet and have them delivered to your home? Well at Pex Universe dot com, they sell very high quality water wells that well meet and/or exceed your needs. Currently some of the best Deep Well Pumps, also known as submersible well pumps, are Grundfos Pumps, which include the SQ series, the SQE series, and the S series Well Pumps as well.
Pex Universe dot com also sells Little Giant Well Pumps which include Little Giant Shallow Well Pumps, Little Giant Convertible Well Pumps, and lastly, Little Giant Deep Well Pumps. Best of all Pex Universe dot com also has a diagram of how the typical installation methods for these Little Giant Well Pumps. Pex Universe dot com also talks about how to select a well pump, for example they say that a well pump can be chosen by finding out the water demand in Gallons per Minute as well as pressure drop.
The other great thing about Pex Universe dot com is that they also sell other items for use in radiant heating, PEX plumbing, and plumbing and heating. Perhaps the greatest thing about Pex Universe dot com other than their high quality products is that they are accredited with the Better Business Bureau, they are PayPal verified, and they accept a wide variety of credit cards, so that you can rest assured that you will get your items that you are paying for. Pex Universe is also great because they offer free shipping on orders t hat are over $250 and if you have any questions you can always call them or email them. So if you are in need of high quality water pumps, look no further than Pex Universe dot com, you will be glad you did.
Never Look Back
I feel sad after I found out that one of my close friends from work had a falling out with one of my head boss at my place of work. She called me the other day and told me what happen but as they say every story had two sides. All I can tell her is that I hope she made the right decision to quit working at my place of work because these days we all know that it is not easy to switch career especially that we are still having huge percentage of people who are jobless around our area. At least she assures me that she will still keep in touch with me and hang out with us when time allows. I wish her well with her job hunting.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Top Ten Entrecard Droppers for the Month of May 2011
This is another month to thank my fellow EC Droppers who continually drops and visit this website; without you folks this blog will not be as successful as it is right now. I would like to thank everyone for their support and for the time that they set aside to drop EC. I wish everyone to have a successful blogging experience everyday and if you need traffic for your link let me know as well and I will return the same favor. Here's the list of my top ten EC Dropper for the month of May 2011.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Improving Your Home
It had come to our attention that recently my father in law and his wife are making some bold decision in deciding whether they are visiting Europe this year or if they will push their first plan which is to renovate the new property that they purchased last year. I know it has must been hard for them to decide because they both wanted to go to Europe as well as renovating their new property so they can put it for rental purposes in the future.
My husband had a heart to heart talk with his father yesterday and my father in law wanted to ask my husband’s opinion whether it is good to put patio awnings to the new property or not. I guess my husband’s opinion really matters since my father in law told him that he will take considerations on his proposals regarding the said makeover of the new property. One of my friends told me to visit this online company called Nationwide Ltd which provides home improvement materials or items such as Glass Verandas, Garden verandas, Outdoor Heaters, Zip Screens, Sun Awnings, Sun Canopies, Garage Doors and many more. What I find interesting about this online company is that they have been one of the leading providers of home improvement materials for the last twenty-two years across the United Kingdom. The Nationwide Ltd online store offers only the top notch products for all their new customers, repeat customers and for all the people around the United Kingdom who are looking forward to start their home improvement plans or project soon. Take note folks, they are offering a five year warranty of all the products you have seen online and right now you can take advantage by requesting design consultation for FREE when you click any of the links above. What are you waiting for? Check this out today!
I am really happy to share with you one of the many dishes I had made at home this week. I made some sweet and sour tilapia or escabeche last Tuesday and to be honest with you it was awesome. Hubby even ate it though I have to constantly tell him to watch out with the fish bones. I will be posting the complete recipe on my food blog later on today. The picture below was the finish product.
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Fast Forward and December is almost Here!
It feels so good to be back on my blog. I haven't really had the time to update my blogs since January because I have been quite busy. T...
I'm happy that I am able to chat with my two younger siblings while making some articles that I needed to submit before the end of this ...
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