Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Storm Hits the Lone Star State

I woke up extra early today only to find out that everything outside is covered in snow and classes are canceled for today. The temperature right now is at 9 degree Fahrenheit or -13 Degree Celsius. I wasn't expecting to be like this but oh well snow storm hits everywhere without any notice. I will be uploading the pictures a little later since I need to bundle up first before going outside. I am still recovering from being sick with flu last week.


Kristyn said...

We're in Texas too and we got hit by the snow. The cold is causing us all sorts of problems, like frozen pipes, but it also means we're out of school!

texaswithlove1982 said...

Well, this weather causes a lot of havoc on the freeway. Since last night there were about 70 crashes in total and counting. All the school district and some businesses around our area are close until tomorrow.

Drive safely and thanks for coming by.

vicy said...

Wow! It must be so cold there sis. We're lucky here in Arizona coz we don't have to deal with snow. But too hot during summer though, sigh! Anyways, Thank you for sharing your ROC experience. Hopefully it won't take that long for mine also. For now I am just going to expect the longest time frame. Take care and God Bless sis!

Fast Forward and December is almost Here!

It feels so good to be back on my blog. I haven't really had the time to update my blogs since January because I have been quite busy. T...