"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over it became a butterfly". Join me as I walk through this wonderful journey of my so called life.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Courage and Grace It Takes to Master Gymnastics is Truly Admirable
Gymnastics is a sport that children and adults of all ages can enjoy. It is a fun way to improve your physical fitness and offers many advantages along the way. Competitive gymnastics can start as early as age six and usually children begin competing in level four.
Levels four, five, and six are compulsory and seven, eight, nine, ten, and elite are optional levels. Strength and flexibility are physical requirements you must have to one day master the sport. Gymnastics also takes coordination, grace, agility, and courage from the athlete if they are expected to become highly competitive in a college or junior Olympic program. In women’s gymnastics there are four events, the vault, bars, beam, and floor; gymnasts much compete on each individual event for a combined total (all-around) which they compete in as well. When watching, you will truly come to appreciate all of the hard work and dedication that goes into a career in gymnastics.
I love watching gymnastics on my PA satellite television, where I live with my family. It so perfectly showcases the courage and grace it takes to master gymnastics; all of the athletes involved should be highly admired for their hard work and determination. There are a number of college competitions and junior Olympic competitions that are shown on television all the time. You never want to miss out on the Olympic Games when they come around. Gymnastics is extremely popular in America and all over the world and has been for quite some time.
Dinner at Pizza Hut
Anyways, we are going out again to watch the movie "The Back-up Plan". Enjoy your evening guys!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Box of Mail
By the way, if you are interested to buy any products from Mailbox Ixchange website all you need to do is click any of the links above. You will find all the products at Mailbox Ixchange online store quickly because they are listed by categories such as Commercial Mailboxes, Single-Unit Mailbox and Post Packages, Mail Slots/Drop Boxes and more.
Rest assured that all products offered by Mailbox Ixchange online store are of high quality and also they are more well-known for selling amazing products to all their clients across the nation.
Hurry and visit them today!
Free Sun Sim Pack
Take note, only Xoom transaction paid out at M. Lhullier location will qualify for this promo. Good evening people!
Chocolate with Jacques Torres
Are you addicted to chocolate? Would you give anything for a sundae drenched in oozing chocolate fudge? If so, then you simply must watch the show "Chocolate with Jacques Torres." I love watching this program on my Direct tv satellite TV to see all the creative ways chocolate can be used to create delectable dishes and desserts. Every time I watch this show, I am left with a craving for more chocolate!
I have seen the chef Jacques Torres make everything from chocolate lollipops to a great cup of hot cocoa on this show. If you are looking to expand your chocolate horizons, then this show will instantly become one of your favorites. Sometimes you may see chocolate sculptures on the show, that are so carefully designed you wonder if it can be eaten! If you are like me though, you'll take a bite out of anything that is chocolate!
Since I also love making chocolate, I like this show for getting design ideas. Torres has a great approach for teaching people at home how to make designs on the chocolate they create. Making chocolate from home can be a complex and difficult task, but Torres leads you through the process every step of the way. There is nothing to fear with chocolate chef Jacques Torres as your host. I highly recommend the show "Chocolate with Jacques Torres" if you are a chocolate addict like me!
Happy 5th Birthday Eunice Dawn!
Our youngest sister was celebrating her 5th birthday last June 25. I totally forgot to post something about her. Anyways,Eunice Dawn is the youngest among 12 children. My sister and I are 23 years apart. She is the apple of my eyes. I really love her so much like my own child. Belated Happy Birthday baby girl!
Monday, June 28, 2010
When Two Become One
By the way, here is the catch. I want to purchase a special gift for the bride and the groom. I have been visiting different websites for over an hour now and out of the blue I manage to pick one of the best online stores. JK Adams Direct online store specializes in peculiar products such as jk adams cutting board, jk adams wine rack, jk adams pot rack, jk adams spice rack, jk adams furniture and much more.
I am thinking of purchasing this wonderful jk adams spice racks for my kitchen. Hubby told me that both bride and the groom like to collect wines from all over the world. I am now planning to order these 42 bottle wine storage for the couple to be. I am crossing my fingers that both of them of will love it.
Pampass Grass

Actually, I didn't know that these types of grass are considered ornamental grass that is used for landscaping. Well, I better hit the sack folks.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
JR wants to put Subway tiles around his bathroom as well as different tiles in their living room and dining room. By the way, he prefers tiles more than anything else because according to him it is easier to maintain and to clean. Well, I feel lucky to have visited this website called Glass Tile Store because they offer a huge variety of tiles such as Metal Tiles, Large Glass Tiles, Kitchen Tiles, Pool Tiles, Bathroom Tiles, Back splash Tiles and many more.
Anyways, Glass Tile Store is offering FREE SHIPPING for every $50 worth of order across America. If you are interested with any of their products, you can also purchase 3 samples and get the 4th samples for FREE.
I would definitely inform my cousin about Glass Tile Store so he can check it tomorrow.
Unexpected Blessing!
By the way, my father-in-law owns a couple of big trucks and cars. My husband never expected that his Dad will give any of his cars for free. The car is in great condition with complete accessories such as CD player, new interior design, and loud speaker.
I am really thankful for my in-laws for having a big heart for my husband and myself. Thank you Dad! Well, folks we got the car and hubby will test drive it tonight.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Business as Usual
But before our conversation ended I promised my Uncle that I will inquire some of my friends from work and from the world of blogging to see if they can recommend any web hosting company to check out. I told my Uncle not to worry so much and I assure him that I will give him feedbacks as soon as possible.
T'was a Bad Dream
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sun Glasses

Anyways, as I was looking online I have come to this wonderful website called Mens Sunglasses that specializes in men's sunglasses such as aviator sunglasses, biker glasses, driving sunglasses, Elvis sunglasses, bi focal sunglasses, urban sunglasses, tattoo sunglasses, vintage sunglasses, unisex sunglasses, sports sunglasses and many more.
What I like about Mens Sunglasses website is that they have a lot of sunglasses to choose and the quality and the price is very reasonable. Take note that for every over twenty dollar purchase you will receive FREE SHIPPING on your orders.
By the way, I have also included a picture of my favorite mens sunglasses above. Hopefully, I will be able to decide which sunglasses to buy that will fit my twin nephew's personality. Happy weekend guys!
Clash of the Titans Review

We were having a blast last night because two of my husband's sisters came from out of town to hang out with us. First, we went out and dine with them at the Great American Steak House together with my husband's step dad and nephews. Give and take we were there for a good hour or two. Then everyone decided to watch the movie "Clash of the Titans" at the cheap movie house.
I like the movie a lot because it was full of passion and action scenes. After the movies, we parted ways and we will see each other again this weekend during my other sister-in-laws party.
Thursday, June 24, 2010

When summer season starts I usually get excited because I love to do a lot of outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, biking, camping, walking, fishing and traveling. I have always been very adventurous while growing up especially that both of my parents like to go camping and hiking maybe because we can have so much fun without spending too much.
The only bad thing about being outside for that long is that we are putting ourselves of being exposed to the sun too much. Mine you, I love to go swimming but I hate having sunburn in my back, neck, face, arms and legs. It is really painful and it could be a very uncomfortable situation. I remember that my aunt D always wear some kind of anti-aging products because she is worried that she will look twice her age. But did you know that when you visit http://www.oxis.com today you will find out that they are producing one hundred percent pure l-ergothioneine worldwide.
If you want to know more about these antioxidant products you may follow them at Oxis on Twitter or Oxis on facebook. What are you waiting folks? Check this out today!
The Hunger Games Trilogy

It seems to me that my sisters are following my footsteps of becoming an avid book reader. Actually, my sister Jhela and Evonne are asking me to purchase the three books by Suzanne Collins titled "The Hunger Games", "Catching Fire" and lastly "Mocking Jay". Most of my younger sisters already read the books which they borrowed from one of their many friends in the Philippines. The last book Mocking Jay, the last installment of the original novel will be release in August of this year.
I have already checked the prices online and it's very reasonable. I told them that I will send the books all three together by August. I am hoping that I can read the books before Fall semester starts again.
Hiking Pictures
I have always been into hiking for as long as I can remember. I love the outdoors and climbing up hills so I can experience nature and get some great exercise while I am at it. I am rather young so I was not aware as a young child that I would be able to see the sights that I now get to see when I climb. In college I decided to take an outdoor nature trip out west where we would be backpacking up mountains. I was not aware of the sheer beauty of the sights that we would get to view from the top of the mountains. I am so glad that I took my digital camera with me to capture all of these panoramic views of canyons and mountain tops. I could hold these images in my mind forever but I did not even think it would be possible to describe the beauty of what I saw to friends and family. I was so glad to find the photo sharing website Flickr to upload the albums of photographs that I took from the tops of these mountains that are truly the most prominent Kodak moments I have ever experienced. Uploading the photos has never been faster using the satellite internet fulton so now I can upload the pictures and get back to hiking!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Watching Toy Story 3 Tomorrow
July Plans
Well, I had been to my boss house during my first year of working with her and she lives in a really nice neighborhood. First thing that I have notice is that there are surveillance cameras around the neighborhood.
Anyways, we are looking forward for our get together party at my boss house next month. What about you folks? Any plans for next month?
Top Shot- I love it!
The show gets more interesting each week. If you love to shoot this is definitely one of the shows that will inspire you to become a better shooter.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Texas Crime
The crime rate in Texas in my area seems to be at about the same level as in any other lively city, but you don't hear about major crimes being committed as often. The whole state of Texas thrives upon maintaining laws and justice, which is best represented by the state troopers and Texas Rangers police force. The crime rate is kept under control through a readily supplied police force with dedicated professionals who have gone through the proper training. Having the security of a readily patrolling police force and the entity that is the Texas rangers is not always enough.
To help keep myself and my home safe I choose a home security system that broadcasts through a yard plantation. all home security helps keep my home safe from crime through a network of systems that is alerted in case anything goes wrong with my home or outside property.
Texas is well known among the United States as being a lone ranger state, one who enforces the law and keeps things under control. This is true to my area and while there are bad parts of town and bad parts of every town I feel safe when going to sleep at night under the protection of Texas troopers. Overall the crime rate is going to be about the same in every area, some parts are bad while others are good, but from my perspective Texas has things under control.
My Mother Had an Accident
Anyways, I called my mother right away. I am glad that my mother is doing fine though she had a lot of bruises on her knee, elbow and arms. The physician prescribes her with anti-biotic medicine and pain reliever medicine to help ease the pain that she is experiencing right now. I even told her not to ride with a motorcycle ever again. Hopefully, she will listen to my advice.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Triple Treat!
Folks although I am not feeling well right now but I am happy that I have a loving family and friends that I can always count on. I am really proud to welcome our newest member of our family baby Neaveh. My sister-in-law gave birth to a healthy baby boy last Saturday. He weighed seven pounds. He is the youngest nephew on my husband's side of the family. Neaveh is the first child for my husband's older sister Ms. C and her husband Mr. K.
Tomorrow will be another special day for us because it will be a triple birthday celebration for my father-in-law who will be celebrating his 66th birthday and my sisters Emerald and Jhela will be celebrating their 27th and 16th birthday tomorrow.
Happy blogging everyone!
By the way, how is Monday night treating you folks?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Helping a Friend
Since my husband and I had already did the same process three years ago, I told her that I can help her fill out the form because I still have the old documents which I save from my previous dealings with the US Immigration office.
I was off today from work so we were able to go to her apartment and fill out the forms that she needed. Everything turns out easy for her since she only need to follow what I have done before regarding the Adjustment of Status.
After we left from her apartment, I just remembered that I forgot to take my eyeglasses with me. I called my friend awhile back and she told me that she can drop my eyeglass at work. Happy weekend guys!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Lakers Defeats Celtics
I am looking forward for another NBA final match next time. Hopefully, Lakers will continue to dominate once again.
Browns Wharf Inn
One of the main attractions in Browns Wharf Inn in Boothbay Harbor is the famous structure of "The Old Lobster Fisherman". The best thing about Boothbay Harbor Hotels is that you can pick a room that suits your taste including the decor or randomly pick a room of desire. You have to remember that every room at Browns Wharf Inn is fully equipped with flat screen television, free Wi Fi connection, inside room phone and a beautiful covered deck over the water.
Thinking about Browns Wharf Inn made me want to take another vacation once again. Folks this is definitely a great place to check out this summer.
Sensitive Tooth

Well, hubby advice me to make an appointment with the dentist next week to see if what's going on with my tooth. I am hoping that they can fix whatever problem I am experiencing now.
What about you folks? Have you had this experience?
The image is courtesy of flickr.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Today Globe Runner Seo online company is helping all their clients get the success that they deserve through search engine optimization. Likewise, Globe Runner Seo online company offers the most affordable services out there. They offered services such as SEO services, SEO Web Design, Social Media, SEO Copywriting, local search and much more.
Check this out today and make Globe Runner Seo your business partner now!
Get Rid of Hickey Marks By....
So here are the natural remedies you can do if your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or partner accidentally get carried away and put a mark on you.
Generally, people tried to cover the area with foundation or any form of make-up. First, grab a cloth of your choice. Make sure that you have access for hot water and massage the wet hot wash cloth for 20 or 30 minutes. Reheat the wash cloth as needed. After an hour stop what you are doing. The hickey mark should decrease its size. If there's no changes please repeat the steps again.
Why do you think it will work? Give me your thoughts and ideas about these.
Alexia and Cecilia
I've been here in America close to four years now but last night was the first time that we decided to meet each other for the very first time. We invited her to go bowling with us and we were happy that she was able to make it together with her little sister Cecilia. We met up around 8:00 o'clock in the evening; we played bowling and played the dance revolution. Anyways, after all the games that we played we decided to dine at one of the 24 hour restaurant here in our place.
Alexia and Cecilia is the coolest person we ever hang out as a couple. We are so happy that we finally put a picture of our friend online whom we never met in person. By the way, Alexia works as a life insurance representative in our area.
Removing Warts the Natural Way
- Aspirin-in a cup of water please dissolve the aspirin. Rub all the mixtures all over the affected area. Do these every day, until you get rid of them.
- Baking soda-use baking soda to rub all over the warts. Apply this 3 times a day.
- Aloe-please rub the aloe into the warts and secure it with a band-aid.
- tape
- banana peel
- onion
- garlic
- lemon juice
- potato
- chalk
- papaya
- pineapple
- glue
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Powerpuff Girls
Have you ever seen superheros so powerful and yet so cute? That is one of my family's favorite shows, "The Powerpuff Girls." This show is a fun and light-hearted form of entertainment that is wildly enjoyed by my family and children of all ages. Watching this show on our satalie tv with a bowl of popcorn is my family's favorite way to come together after a busy week.
”The Powerpuff Girls" features the lives of three superheros that happen to be girls. They are cute, but that cuteness must not be a misleading factor in their powerful ability to fight enemies. Often, enemies on the program find their downfall when they assume these girls are cute, cuddly, or adorable. And that's why my girls love this show. This show has taught my girls that just because they are adorable, does not mean they have to be a bystander to violence or crimes. They can actively fight bad behaviors. I actually think this show has been an incredibly empowering influence in the lives of my girls. So rarely do we find superheros on television that are girls! This show has defied the odds, however, and made superhero women its main characters.
Overall, I highly recommend "The Powerpuff Girls" for families with young girls that may need a bit of empowerment.
Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual Sale

Tomorrow will be the first day of the Semi-Annual sale for Victoria's Secret. I cannot wait to go to the mall tomorrow and purchase a lot of the 75% beauty products that is part of the Semi-Annual sales starting tomorrow. My family and friends in the Philippines likes Victoria's Secret products a lot that is why every year when they are having their Semi-Annual sale I always makes sure to purchase as much as I can so I can send it together with my Balikbayan package.
I can't wait for tomorrow. Happy Monday blogger land!
People Are So Full of....
The sad thing is that they were laughing while they were running away from the scene. My manager called the police and they were arrested a few minutes later. I feel like laughing in front of their faces while they were being held but I think it's so cruel to do that. I just hope that they learned their lesson and not do it again.
By the way, my colleague is planning to take the best self tanner 2010 this weekend. We are so excited to see the new look.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
5 Ways to Utilize: Orange Peels

I am honored to share this knowledge and tips that I read from the Discovery Channel about the usage of orange peels. Here are the following lists:
- Insect repellant- these are actually common practice at home with my family way back while I was growing up in the Philippines. Every time my grandmother bought oranges, she usually told us to keep the peels in one place. She will then tell us to rub the peels into our skin so the bugs will stay away.
- Brown sugar/Spices/Herbs- normally I use brown sugar whenever I cook Filipino dishes. I have notice that brown sugar gets dry easily. To solve this problem, you can put pieces of the orange peels into your sugar container and within a couple of hours you will get tender and fluffy brown sugar again.
- Orange peels as Room Fresheners- you can put orange peels into your vents or radiators. It works better compared to artificial air freshener.
- Orange peels-is use as flavoring for any dishes or deserts. Use the zest from the orange for food flavoring.
- Rub the orange peels to your plants. Your pets like dog and cats will never tear your plants again.
Friday, June 11, 2010
My husband and I are already checking if how much the vacation would cost us including the hotel, airlines, car rentals and food. Luckily, we have enough savings to take another vacation. I am hoping that there will be no expected emergencies that will happen along the run so we can push-through with our plan.
On the other hand, my friend who lives in Honolulu is preparing herself to see one of Hawaii's best breast surgeon. I have no idea why she wants to consult with them but I didn't really bother to ask because I know it's none of my business.
Anyways, we are looking forward for our next vacation later this year. Happy TGIF everyone!
Natural Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection
Baking Soda- Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with eight ounces of water and drink it. Actually, the baking soda helps increases the PH level of the irritating acid urine during the attack.
Cranberries- these fruits are proven to help acidify the urine and prevent the Urinary Tract Infection bacteria from sticking to the walls of the ballader. You can either drink any cranberry juice or eat the actual cranberry fruit for better results.
Uva Ursi- this herb has antiseptic properties and you can get them to any drugstore or any natural health food store.
Anyways, while doing my morning routine on the web today, I have stumble upon this great website called Howard Computers online store which offers a wide variety of Custom Computer such as Custom Laptop, Desktops, Tablets, Notebooks as well as printers, cameras, storage, networking accessories and more.
By the way, Howard Computers online store had been serving to all their clients across the United States of America since 1968. Their main priority is helping all their clients get the best of their Custom Computer products.
I would certainly inform my manager about this amazing online store.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Mama's Style Barbecue!

We just finished eating our dinner a few hours ago and wow we love food. I made chicken barbecue which I called "Mama's style barbecue" because I got the recipe from my mother when I was twelve years old. Actually, this dish is one of my husband's favorite food and mine as well. While I was cooking my hubby was taking pictures of the food.
Happy evening everyone!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hubby arrived from his boxing class already and we are planning to go out for a brunch with my in-laws. Our option will be to cancel the maintenance service today and move it for tomorrow so one of us can be here tomorrow while they do their job.
Anyways, a few months from now my cousin who lives in Ohio is planning to take her social work exam to get certified. She had been here in the US for over fifteen years now; working as a registered nurse and she is planning to pursue another career in the future.
Usage of Vodka

I don't drink alcoholic beverages but let me tell you something about vodka. I was reading about the many uses of vodka for household's purposes from Planet Discovery channel. Here are the lists of its uses:
- Vodka can be use in removing stain. Soak a clean cloth in vodka and start rubbing it into the affected area.
- Vodka can be use in wiping your glasses, porcelain, chromes to make it shiny. Use a soft cloth and soak in vodka.
- Spray vodka in your bathtubs or showers especially those caulking areas.
- Use vodka to remove stickers and glue that are left behind.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
You first enter an outside holding area while you wait to go into a movie theater that shows a movie about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the Battleship Arizona. While you wait for the movie you have access to the Pearl Harbor Museum, where you can see tons of old artifacts, as well as look at footage and war pieces from that era. There is also a souvenir area to purchase small souvenirs from.
After the movie, you are ushered onto a small boat that takes you out to the actual Arizona Battleship Memorial. This is a truly touching site. It is in the middle of the bay, where the original ship was sunk. Every person’s name that died on the ship that day is engraved on a metal wall as part of the memorial. You can look down into the ocean and still see where drops of oil leak very slowly out of the sunken ship.Needless to say, the whole experience was very moving. It gave me more of an insight as to how much those men and women gave up for their country during the war.
Prenuptial Agreement
My husband and I never had any sort of prenuptial agreement before we got married. Probably, because we trust each other and love each other that we don't really think that we are in need of it. I only heard this type of agreement for those couples who are super rich like the actors, actresses, professional players and so forth.
To all my friends and visitors in my blog site would you agree to sign a prenuptial agreement? Why? Please explain.
Claim It!
My sister-in-law did file for a motorbike injury claims in behalf of her husband. Everything went smoothly while filing for the injury claims. My brother-in-law was able to use the money out from the motorbike injury compensation for his therapy and medicines.
By the way, did you know that Claimant Law online company is the top notch experts in injury claims? They provide services and knowledge on how to claim personal injuries which include car accident, cosmetics surgery claims, work claims, motorbike injury claims and much more. What are you waiting folks? Please check this out today.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Movie Review

My husband and I were able to watch the movie "The Bounty Hunter" with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler a couple days ago. Honestly, I was not impressed with the whole movie, it lacks a lot of chemistry and it's not really funny at all. The movie was supposed to be a comedy movie but I was totally bored. I was totally not happy at all but I am glad we only paid two bucks to watch it.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Eyes Wide Shut
My friend Len will be visiting Canada next week that is why she hasn't been online and of course she is hooked up with tv torrents. I was teasing her to bring me any type of souvenir from Canada because that is one of the many places that my husband I wanted to visit in the future. I have a few friends who reside in Canada and they all love the place.
By the way, the most interesting part of our conversation is that she wanted to send me dried squid and dried fish after her trip. It makes me really happy and excited and I can't wait to receive those yummy foods in the mail.
Charcoal Grill

I was so happy after I arrived from work last night when I saw my new charcoal grill still inside its box. I had been asking hubby to get me a charcoal grill because I don't like to use our gas grill. I haven't had time to do our grocery shopping since I had been working a lot these past weeks. I am looking forward to do my errands on Wednesday since I don't have to work that day.
My Top Ten EC Droppers For The Month of May
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Ding, Dong
I was able to get to know my friend's family and was happy to be there. There family reminded me of my family that I left in the Philippines. They have a strong bond and I can feel that they loved each other. Actually, I have invited my friend's family to have dinner with us this coming Wednesday. I will be having a cook-out at the park. I am looking forward to that said event next week.
Happy weekend guys!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Congratulations to My Sister Evonne for Passing the Teacher's Board Exam

I would like to congratulate my younger sister Evonne for passing the Teacher's Board Exam taken last April 18, 2010. I just want to let you know that we are so proud of you for your hard work and dedication. Way to go sister! Thank you Lord. We love you and congratulations again from our family, friends and relatives.
By the way, I know that Mama and Papa are really proud of you Von. Congrats Ma and Pa you have produce another successful child.
Putt Putt!
Guest post written by Trinity Parker
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Whoaaa..Pay Time

I just got home awhile back and I am super hungry. I don't even know what to prepare. Hubby is not home yet so I may order pizza or I can cook sauteed sayote with sardines and white rice. What about you folks? What are you doing this evening?
The Atlanta Braves
Guest blog post by Matt Heaffy
Captured Memories!

Here are some of the pictures that I took during our trip to the northern part of New Mexico as well as some part of Texas. By the way, we went to go fishing at Pecos River with some members of my husband's family. During our short trip my husband and his nephews went for a target shooting in the wilderness.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Doll that I Had Always Wanted
When I grew up and got a good job of my own, I promised that one day I would get one of those dolls. It would be a symbol of why I worked and provided for my own family. That was twenty years ago. Last summer I found an old journal where I had written that down. it brought back a flood of feelings and I knew that I would search out a Chatty Cathy for myself. I searched for months at every antique store and flea market that I could find with no avail. Then one day as I sat in front of my computer with wild blue internet service, it hit me. Why had I not looked online? Within seconds I had Chatty Cathy dolls all over my screen that were for sale.
The day that my doll arrived at my door I could not help the tears that flowed freely from my eyes as I signed for it. I sat her up in the kitchen for everyone to see. This was the doll that I had always wanted and I finally had her after thirty years of hard work.
Hubby Drags Me to Go to the Gym
On the other hand, it is very frustrating because it seems that I haven't seen any results on my part. But I feel motivated to go because I always wanted to live a healthy life and savor every moment with my spouse.
Fast Forward and December is almost Here!
It feels so good to be back on my blog. I haven't really had the time to update my blogs since January because I have been quite busy. T...
I'm happy that I am able to chat with my two younger siblings while making some articles that I needed to submit before the end of this ...
Time sure does fly really fast when you least expect it. Last month, me and my husband celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary. We had suc...
ATM's - a skimmer is basically a card reader but it’s hard-to-spot. Then, as you swipe your card, the skimmer steals your information of...